What is the main purpose of the quintessential landing page?

Any guesses?
Think about it. When the first web sites came, there was no landing page. There just used to be a phone number and an email. You needed to connect to someone behind the web site, you reach out either on phone or email.
So what’s the need of a landing page.
The landing page is your queue. Ideally to your contact center. The email inbox is limited in its functionality. The biggest limitation is that it can be accessed by one person.
So you have a bunch of sales agents in your contact center. They are waiting for leads. Its not one person. So your leads have to be routed. And if you are a successful business and you are getting too many leads, you have to store them. The email inbox is not enough. So where do you store them?
Enter CRM. You start off by just asking an email or phone number and your agents reach out and get any other extra information. Slowly, you observe that all your agents are asking the same questions again and again. Some high performer in your organization says why don’t we ask those questions on the form itself so our agents need not waste time asking the same things. So the email/phone number field is expanded to other fields which are needed for your process.
And that is the birth of the landing page. Now, no one even questions why is there a landing page or what fields you have to out in the landing page. You run a Google ad and put a landing page to collect information that pushes to a CRM which gives data to a CCaaS provider which routes your lead to the right sales agent who then reaches out to the lead and gets any extra information.
This is the pipeline. This is the process.
How do you disrupt this?
You disrupt this with AI.
You made the clients enter the data in the ugly form fields because you wanted to increase the productivity of your agents by making them ask only the important questions. But in this process, the productivity of your customers is going down where they have to enter details in a form with so many validations

Why can’t we use AI to take care of this. Customer comes to landing page. Clicks on a talk to agent widget(CXi Switch), gets connected to an AI agent, just says in a sentence what he is looking for, disconnects. Now AI has all the data it needs and can parse it at will. Your sales agent can then ask for a lead and the AI agent will give the lead.
No need for a CRM for just maintaining leads.
We will be transitioning to this flow in the next couple of months. Till then, its the same old landing page for everyone
Replacing the landing page was originally published in oneCXi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.