KOOKOO Cloud platform WhatsApp Integration

Anita Raghav

Oct 30, 2023 | [rt_reading_time label="" postfix="mins read" postfix_singular="mins read"]

On 2nd August, 2018, our smart team worked overnight to deliver a complete, state-of-the-art WhatsApp Business Integration— within a span of 24 hours. This is like delivering tasty pizzas hot to a hungry tribe! After all, this has been a much-asked-for extension that will finally enable smarter usage of WhatsApp Business.

What can businesses gain from this integration?

For businesses that have a WhatsApp Business account, the KOOKOO cloud platform can streamline communications considerably:

  • Businesses can customize Chatbots to greet customers in an instant and personal way on WhatsApp and provide basic self-service options.
  • Based on the customer’s needs, the bots seamlessly escalate the interaction to human agents.
  • Automatic Chat Routing routes messages to idle agents based on their skills. In case all agents are busy, customers are queued-up, and notified.
  • Agents can handle multiple chats simultaneously.
  • Screenpop Integrations ensure that agents have customer information on their fingertips.
  • Supervisors can monitor chats and barge-in wherever needed. They can access agent performance and feedback reports in real-time.
  • Customers can switch to voice support with a single click.
  • At a backend, CRM is smartly and automatically storing all data with customized parameters.
  • Customers can opt-in for regular updates, offers, announcements, and status updates. This creates a highly personal way for businesses to keep in touch, upsell and collect feedback from their customers.

Ready to take control of your call transfer
experience for better CX outcomes?

Anita Raghav

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