How SMS is Helping Businesses to Go Green with Tech? – Ozonetel

Anita Raghav

Nov 22, 2023 | [rt_reading_time label="" postfix="mins read" postfix_singular="mins read"]

Today is Earth Day. At Ozonetel, we decided to celebrate by thinking of ways our technology can help create a more sustainable, environment-friendly way of living. Here are some ways in which our platform has helped create greener processes.

Bulk SMS Rather Than Paper

Whether you’re advertising a new product or updating a customer about a recent transaction, our bulk SMS service and IVR blaster are convenient, instant ways to keep customers informed. It also works out more cost-effective and environmentally friendly, saving both paper and fuel.

Also read: Bulk SMS

Collect Feedback via IVR

Feedback and complaints can be collected via IVR, instead of filling forms. This enables customers to reach you out anytime and anywhere. And also helps you analyze data with ease.

Also Read: Outbound IVR

Store Data in your CRM

Storing the minutest data in your organization is now easy. Storing data on physical files is not just a waste of paper, it is cumbersome. With your customer data on a cloud CRM, you can both store and access data with ease. For instance, agents can have it on hand when they answer calls.

Also read: How to use Call Center CTI

Work From Home

Going digital can play a vital role in maintaining social distancing even after the lock-down period is over. Moreover, by cutting commute time, it can be environment friendly too. Ozonetel has helped a lot of companies switch their workforce to remote working with work-from-home solutions. Consider running your call center remotely. With cloud call center tools you can do this securely, and ensure quality with tools like smart routinglive monitoring, and more.

Also read: Ozonetel’s WFH solution

Technology has helped us simplify our lives. Keeping in mind it’s potential, let us consider ways to save the environment with technology too.

Ready to take control of your call transfer
experience for better CX outcomes?

Anita Raghav

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