Trusted by 2500+ Businesses across 150 countries

Why use an automatic call distributor?

Haphazard call routing or unfair call distribution leads to inefficient agents, long call queues, and dissatisfied customers. That is why companies use an automatic call distributor to segregate incoming calls intelligently and distribute them evenly.

How it works

Easily create call flows with a drag & drop IVR in ways that maximize agent efficiency and ensure customer satisfaction.

Distribute calls evenly

Select from idle-agent-first or round-robin distribution to distribute calls in ways that suit your workforce
idle agent

Idle agent first

When you have a dedicated call center, use this system to equally distribute talk time amongst your agents. First, divert calls to the agent with maximum idle-hours.


Round robin routin

Round robin routing

Use round-robin to route calls to a list of agents sequentially. Use this to distribute the number of calls amongst your agents equally.

Create fallbacks

Don’t keep customers waiting. With Ozonetel, you can specify fallback rules when a callers wait in the queue for longer.
IVR callback

IVR takes a voice message from the caller. The system can alert the supervisor or automate callbacks.

Self service

Divert customers to a self-service IVR when call queues are too long

abondaned call alert
Abandoned call alert

Get alerted when callers abandon queues and organize callbacks to them.​

Multi-skill divert

If calls volumes to one skill group are high, divert calls to another skill group.

Loaded with smart ACD features

Our ACD is an integral part of our complete contact center suite. Get all the benefits
you need to run an efficient inbound or blended call center.
Sticky agent

Deepen customer trust by diverting callers to the same agent every time they call.

CRM integration

Make call routing intelligent with priority calls and more.


Let your IVR attend calls and divert customers to the right agent.

llive dashboard
Live dashboards

70+ reports to manage your call queues, agent perofrmance & more.

Speak to our sales representative to get started.

At Ozonetel, we connect you with product experts who will deeply understand your requirements before
recommending a solution that perfectly matches your business goals.

Recognized by industry leaders


Loved by customers

Best reviews and high customers satisfaction ratings.

Amazing customer reviews

"A pleasant experience with a mutual vision to grow and enhance"
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The whole team at Ozonetel is very helpful. Efficient, always ready to help, and a brilliant attitude towards work and their services have ensured a very smooth journey for our organization.
"Great Support Team"
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The customer support is the best in class.I wanted to thank you all for the excellent support we have gotten from your end. Rilin, always responsive and quick to action! Glad to be working with you!
"One-stop solution for all telephony requirements"
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Its not just a telephony dailer, The best part of this solution is we can design it based on our needs, A very intelligent system which keeps a track of everything, from IVR,Calls routing,Queue logic, Agents productivity,seamless integration with CRM and the best part is dynamic call prioritization...See More
"Ease of use"
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Ease of setup. I took over the Infra setup & I was not exposed to this setup earlier. But, few calls with the technical & account manager helped me answer all the questions and go live at the earliest.
"Advanced and an intensive solution that meets all requirements"
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Overall the software has helped in remotely monitoring and understanding the agent performance and the call center performance providing the much required insight
"Amazing product, great support team and excellent dashboards"
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overall experience with cloudagent has been extremely good and i will recommend it to other users with similar requirements
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